Turkeys Ghost Returns to Ruin Christmas Dinner
All was set for the Christmas The tinsel glistened on the tree, The star wasn’t even crooked As in other years all …
All was set for the Christmas The tinsel glistened on the tree, The star wasn’t even crooked As in other years all …
We see the splinters in Americas eye Who from COVID19 have quarter of a million dead: Its smug to sneer Trump …
To those who whom we do not write, It might be good to do so this year, For they may have no …
We are hoping Ireland is not at Level 5 for Christmas, and that churches will be open for the Christmas. The verse …
What does He who died for us
In his heart Sacred feel
As we tell our kids that there is no God
But Santa Claus is real?
The Sergeant dreamt yet another Christmas morning To find in the stocking he had hung It was another few lumps of coal …
This verse is dedicated to Ray, a.k.a. Bildoar over at the Jesters Castel at Disqus , who recently passed away. He was …
I meant to ring but never did He normally did but never did The unspoken though that silent hid Told the truth, …
It was the greatest love for earth that God has ever shown It was the greatest love unknowing that mankind has ever …
I did not join they praying crowds In man built temples made of stone I did not go to pray as such …
Every homeless person is something to somebody. This was the Jonathan Corrie story >>> More than a face, you have a name, …
As we approach Christmas, a few thoughts come to mind as well as a few suggestions for presents for the coming season! …
Everybody was getting drowsy, drinking coffee to keep awake, Planning to get kebabs and chips, eating biscuits to beat the band, Idly …
Santa got a letter, a letter that broke his heart, Asked him for peace, to end a war that Santa did …
Dear Santa, I am a taxpayer, Im been good throughout the year, Ive paid up all my taxes, and did not cry …
Songs sang, bells ringing, Turkey dinners, and more of goose, Hymns and carols, choirs singing, Puddings, drink, presents of little use, All …
Wren no longer hunted, nor Church attended Clergy speak to deaf ears, eyes have seen What all thought could never be, sinners …