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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh, Page 13

Keep the Beat of Galway Playing

#street #music from @gstreetclub again today… #thisisgalway #wildatlanticway #culture A post shared by Thomas Carty (@tomjcarty) on Apr 21, 2017 at 3:15pm …

Cutting Old Burkes Roses

While out walking near Salthill a few days back, a man cutting roses from a bush outside a derelict house talked to …

This Far and No Farther

World War One was a savage conflict, and long before the invention and application of Blitzkrieg the Germans were “masters of shell …

Longford Folk Speak of the Pashtun

Willie Carty worked for the Dopping Hepenstal family, and heard stories of their relative who was in the British Army in Waziristan …

On Beauty and Hatred

Words of form fashioned in beauty Often placed in ordered lines and ranks By those whose order of their desiring Is founded …

Hilltops Adorned By Man

Cairns of stone, for our dead Hilltops adorned Prayed to and turned to Communicate with the spirits Crosses of stone and iron, …

Long Walk in Edenmore Bog

Walking the bog in Longford brought this reflection on life to mind – a rare nonrhyming poem from me! Walking the long …

She A Son Bore to the World

She a son bore to the world A prophet it would reject Persecute and crucify And show to him no respect… After …

Fifteen Minutes of Sunshine

Dedicated to the Dardis family on the passing of their father Tony, and to all families on that final journey with a …

The Actor Quits The Stage

This was not part of the script The actor ended the play Told the audience its over He is the actor and …

Never Say the Woman Is Not a Lady

You could break down in a worse place Even if you were not like His Grace There is in it no disgrace …

Willie Rimes Wrecks Christmas

This verse is dedicated to Ray, a.k.a. Bildoar over at the Jesters Castel at Disqus , who recently passed away. He was …

Fixed Bayonets Against Our Own

Needless to say I think the Irish army should have gone across the border in 1969, and was angered at Keelin Shanleys …

They Were Lovers Once

The bitter bickering old couple often seen as much as the loving couples… yet they too were lovers once… an old verse …

That Ireland That He Dreamed Of

That Ireland that he dreamed of For which so many died Was to be the nightmare we now think of From which …

They Are Dancing Tonight

They are dancing tonight, the fine women Loud is the music, beyond thinking They are out upon the mountain Vodka, by the …