Long Walk in Edenmore Bog
Walking the bog in Longford brought this reflection on life to mind – a rare nonrhyming poem from me!

Walking the long way home
Brought me to a beauty
That I had not seen for years…
Having not walked this path
Meaning to do so later
When weathers better… or ground drier
But that day did not dawn
Though many fine dawns did
I preferred to laze… and sleep…
Night owl, day cat
Neath the noon day sun
Hiding from its brightness
Behind a veil of drapes… drawn.
But today: of all days!
A wrong turn, fate and chance
There I walked, took in the beauty
Enjoyed it moreso maybe
The walk, the scene, being rare.
As beauty is in a bog – so too is life
What we plan we rare do
But fate, nonetheless, brings it to us
Should that day for you dawn
Regardless of the weather
Enjoy your long walk in the bog.