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Irelands Wars

Who Are We Going to Fight Now

As the British left, one man in jest Asked “Who will we fight now”, All too soon was clear as many did …

Blackbirds at Ballinamuck Sing in The Trees

The blackbirds at Ballinamuck sing among the trees Where the rebels, prone, were slain, English cavalry chased through where horses could run …

The Ambush at Clonfin

Man for man, and gun for gun, Mere peasants stood to the test, With faith in God and their fellow man, They …

I Surrounded Them Myself

One of the most bizarre – if true – stories from the American War of Independence tells of a Sergent McCarthy on …

One Crown Murder Among Many

Remember them and don’t forget, Who in Ninety Eight there died, Murdered by troops of the British Crown, On orders, for which …

Grey Skies Over Aughrim

Grey skies over Aughrim: Fields peaceful and green, That knew terror and bloodshed Where battle had been. But now only cows graze …

Future English King on Galway’s Streets

The royal visit to Galway brought mixed feelings – they are a nice couple, but is it too early to welcome British Royals where their forces killed our heroes?

There They Lie Where They Died

At Drumkeeran there is a mass grave of troops who died on the march with Humbert in 1798. To see how the Irish treat our own, taking homes for banks profits instead of landlords, we often ask, was all the fighting worth it at all?

Rebel Asleep

Pondering the sleeping rebels who fled after defeat at Ballinamuck in 1798 who sought refuge in Edenmore Bog


Dermots passion, in stealing Teirnans wife, would have an effect on #Ireland that would last longer than the better known wars of Troy …

The Cock and the Crock of Gold

The legend of the Cock and the Crock of Gold in Kilcormac, in the times of the Wars of the Molloys… The …

Babys Birth Remembered

Baby’s birth remembered: The snow falls on the ground. Lights are lit: bells peal, I listen to the sound. Belfast of the …

Betrayal of the Brothers Grimes

In the wake of the 1798 Rebellion, the brothers Grimes, all of whom were executed by the British, were betrayed by a …

The Night Nelson Learned to Fly

Liam Sutcliffe blew up Nelsons Pillar. This poem tells the story. He passed away today. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam …