Willie Rimes Was Off the Drink For Lent

Willie Rimes wakes up beside the Easter Bunny
Willie Rimes wakes up beside the Easter Bunny

Willie Rimes gave up the drink
Not forever as one would think
But before in disbelief you blink
It was only for Lent

Sure he broke out St Patricks Day
But sure every Irishman does Lent that way
Sure whats one day as he himself did say
As to the bar he went

He celebrated St Sheila too
As many a good Irishman before him did do
That all don’t is something we should rue
Said he, getting all historical and cultural

Sure Sheila was St Patricks wife
Said Willie, face straight as a knife
Cross my heart on my grannys life
He exclaimed in an accent all agricultural…

But Sunday lent is ended
Willies good streak will be up ended
He and the bar man will be refreinded
Willies slake for the drink wont be diminished

I reckon there will be slaughter
As he chases and is rejected by someones daughter
Tries to seduce her mother before he fought her
His chances of loving finished!

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