Willie Rimes Gone on the Run at the Galway Races

Willie Rimes is back in town
In Galway of all places
The guards are still looking out for him
Hes up at the bloody races
He got in with some Americans
Who liked his Galway drawl
Though our Willie is a kind of droll
And not from Galway at all!
Now Americans dont know Belfast from Kerry
Are gullible as a rule
Though sometimes he can be an eegit
Our Willie is no fool
He thought that he would baffle them
Give them a hop tip
Of a racehorse running not in Galway
And with the bet would give them the slip
He looked quick through the papers
On a chesnut Gelding with long odds he came
He advised them to bet 200 Euros
On a sure thing, Dandy Flame.
“Mark my words, he is brilliant!”
“Each way” said the yank, “id suppose”
“No, its a sure thing” Wilie said, to cover himself
“Slap the two hundred, bang on the nose”
The poor feckers gave Wilie the money to put on
Falling for the speil our Willie had spun
He got the money for the stake from them
Drank the lot – but the bloody horse won!
Now the Americans couldnt find him
They didnt know which bookies he put on the bet with
They are asking all around them
As they wander around Ballybrit.
Willie skipped from the racecourse
A man pursued, he hit the road hard
The last sighting of him was him hitching
On the road for Clifden outside Oughterard!