Willie Rimes and the Masons Goat

Like many good men before him
To join the local lodge our Willie did inquire
The mystery of the rituals and the history
Had set his imagination and interest on fire…
Me met the lads from the local lodge one day
Where it was – it was under his nose he found
He’d passed it every day, never knew it was there
He stepped onto historic ground!
“What are my duties, if ye let me join”
Said the bould Willie, a lump in his throat…
The brethern gave each other and said one with a wink
“Before your first degree you must feed the goat!”
A man of his word he arrived that Sunday morning
The lodge on his way he did pass
With a 20 kilo bag of the best carrotts
To feed the goat, before he went on to mass!
Well, the door and the gate, they were both locked
No other way in could he see
So he clambered the wall and fell into the briars
All for the want of a key!
He called out for the goat, bleeding and scratched
Searched the little yard, the shed and the small garden there
Alas to his dismay, his worry and fright
There was no goat to be found at all there!
So he panicked and fled for it is said
The penalties can be severe
Though they say they are symbolic in these modern times
The bould Willie was crippled with worry and fear!
The masons were puzzled when he was a no show for his degree
He didn’t show, or call that night or any night more:
But the most puzzling thing the masons found at the lodge in his Initiation night
Was a ten kilo bag of carrots at the back door!