Dark Ages Return to Earth

Trump getting into power in America on the back of hate, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farange gaining a foothold in the UK on the base of fear and the EU turning toxic to punish dissenting states… will this all end in a war in the West again, who fermenting war in nations all over the world to make profit from Iraq to Libya will see their chickens coming home to roost?
The rich will get richer, and the poor will die…
We have been here before, we are here once more
Where the outsider is the enemy we are told
We must fear those who different appear
Honour of nation flag and faith we must die to uphold…
We count the coffins, the papers print lists of the dead
The corporations count the profits, prayers will be said.
This familiar ground that smells of spilled blood
A path we thought that we would never walk again
Trees plead to nature as to why they burn once more
They thought they’d only see flames in the grates of homes of men…
While the trees burn that would heat many homes when to ashes turned
People die of exposure in homes that are bombed and burned.
But this shall end – it has to – it always does
New lines drawn on paper, more crazy rules
Mammon shall be worshiped once more, we shall still hate
For mankind is predictable, thinks themselves intelligent yet are but fools
When will it end, as sure it will, we know not when it will cease
Bar when the rich see less profits in war than in peace.