A Future Vision When No Future We See

The Old Folks parties will be great craic when we are of age!!! Geriatric ravers… what can possibly go wrong?

This Japanese woman was a well known raver. We are trying to find the article on her...
This Japanese woman was a well known raver. We are trying to find the article on her…

A youth, ranks of alcoholics
Tomorrows aged, will enjoy recreational narcotics
If today’s youth tomorrows aged will be
What kind of world will I live to see?

When the rush comes...
When the rush comes…

Granny’s dislocating hips
Dancing to trance music on cruise ships
Getting down and dirty with the crew
Oh, what with them will we do?

Rave Dude Tripping
Rave Dude Tripping

Oh, no future can I see at all
Back to the monkey we will fall
But if that regress we do
Well enjoy the fun of life too!!!

Rave Dude

And maybe our grandchildren will rebel
By preaching to us of repentance and tell
And well shake our grey heads, and hold out little hope
Saying the world with the youth is on a downward slope!

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