Worshiping God Among Nature
We know of the mass rocks where Irish Catholics met to worship in Cromwellian and Penal times to avoid arrest or murder of the preist, but so it was in Holland for Protestants too under Spanish rule, where they met in the open in secret places to aviud been killed by the Spanish aligned forces. To worship, both went back to nature, which is prehaps mankinds purest church…

In ancient times in sacred groves the Druids praying stood
Chanted enchanted words that it took time to learn among rivers flood
But in time there came the Christian preachers, haughty, preaching proud
Said according to Jesus teaching that this was not allowed.
So the people came to churches, built of stone, or of wattles made
To seek salvation upon death, or peace when they were afraid
The druids groves were quiet now, as was the sacred mountain top
Tales of cast out demons made the worshipping there stop.
In the lowlands of Europe too the Christian word was spread
Some accepted, more resisted, some had to flee, more were dead
As the hears went on, the church got rich, with more ornate churches and spires
Meant to invoke awe among the worshipers they said and to inspire…
But some at the power among the prayer were not content
But they were forced to silence, or from among their own were sent
Some of them got into power strong in other lands
Committed the same crimes committed against them at the Spanish hands.
At mass rock or grove Irish Catholics met, some on watch, lest the yeomanry should arrive
Give warning, and run a decoy, so the priest could stay alive
In Holland in earlier times by dolmens Protestants to pray safely met
In fear of the Spanish army who to kill all dissenters were set…
So the circle turned back to what it was before
Mankind to worship stood among nature to pray once more
Druid to Christian, Catholics, Protestants oppressed under each other rule
Found nature a source of solace to worship in times oppressive and cruel.

* “Find a Mass Rock” – Catholic Mass rocks of Ireland
* Mass Rock on the Wikipedia
* Death of Fr Nicholas Maylard of Wexford in Cromwellian times