What We Have, We Do Not Value, As Others Value What They Cannot Have – Malala Yousafai Tribute

The scene is familiar, girls smoking, swearing, counting down the minutes to when they can race from class and get on with what they believe to be the real world, caring little for the lessons they can learn in school, taking for granted the education that they distain.
St. Trinians is the classic stereotype in film, and the scene is played out throught the west where education is a given, with little barrier to creed, ethnicity, etc.,
Not so in other lands.
She lies sick in a hospital bed, shot for going against social norms in a tribal society where womens only function is in the home.
Malala Yousafai is one of a number of young girls, shot, maimed or killed for the mere act of going to school.
She was shot by the Taliban, who frown on women going to school. Ironically, their name means the students!!!
So the next time schools out, and you are a child of the west, think how lucky you are to be bored by algebra!
And spare a thought and a silent prayer for those who risk their very lives for what we in the west take for granted.