Turkeys Ghost Returns to Ruin Christmas Dinner
All was set for the Christmas
The tinsel glistened on the tree,
The star wasn’t even crooked
As in other years all too often it would be…
Grandpa was drunk since breakfast
Attempts to sing but a mere hum
His punches now were plentiful but rationed
Containing more coffee than rum.
The kids were tearing the presents,
They toys on the floor – some broken already – were spleyed
For all the money spent by mammy – and Santa!!!
The box as a fort with was most played…
Mammy was cooking in the kitchen,
Granny looked on with a frown…
The turkey was on since the morning
Yet it was barely warm never mind brown.
Dinner was up in an hour
In horror Mammy the truth there she saw…
The temperature knob had been moved…
The turkey meat was still raw!!!
Mammy blamed granny who blamed mammy
Granddad woke up with the row,
The children got blamed, scolded and shamed
Dad just sat there wondering how…
Every other Christmas was perfect,
All looked good for the season but yet…
He had a reason to be nervous,
Having killed to cook the family pet.
They had reared Dustin, as the kids called it, as a chicken
Or whatever a turkey from the egg is called…
When the oldest said she was turning vegetarian
As to eat the family pet was appalled…
He was more right then he knew about it,
As the row into a crying fest blazed…
He sat slumped drinking gin in the corner,
Like a boxer with a stomach punch gazed…
The turkey ghost looked on with bitter satisfaction,
As its corpse was not eaten but was in the bin thrown…
Everyone one got the blame for turning down the cooker knobs…
That it was the dead turkeys ghost was never known!!!