Too Electable to Be Elected

Jeremy Corbyn is a real working class hero, who won’t blink unlike America’s Bernie Sanders. But the Tory machine, and their Fabian Blairite allies are trying to depose him. How many of these new Labour members are actually Tories? We hope he stays as leader of Labour in Britain.
Too electable to be elected
A threat to all who know
The easy life of capitalism
Their true colours they now show.
Benevolent Tory is their real politics
Being real, Corbyn is far too Red
They might lose, along with all the rich
Sooner a Fabian instead.
They can keep their condecending notions
Their Noblesse oblige
They can take their fancy titles
Enjoy others refer to them as “My Liege”
The workers will vote in Corbyn
This is no fairytale romance
A cold hard fact capitalists try to thwart
So the British worker never gets the chance.