To Visit A Strangers Grave

I walk in town to which confined
For nine more weeks I bring to mind
The graves I would visit today
Of my folks dead, but as I’m away
I cannot: in times of death
We live in hope, but listen yet
Someone’s uncle dies, someone else’s friend
We truly never know what is the end
Vaccine rollout nationwide is slow
If it works on variants as of yet we don’t know
The churches are shut for mass and prayer
But we don’t have to worship there
We can go to a cemetery near
Pass graves of strangers someone held dear
Say a prayer for them, say a prayer for all
Spend time their own cant, as crows call
Seagulls swoop across the sky
Looking down on a stranger such as I
Perhaps in Ballinalee or Banagher today
A stranger passes our graves, a prayer does say
For those buried their that are my own
As I do for these folks who and whose folks Ive never known
It takes little to be kind
Peace among those who in peace rest can find
When these times end – in time they will pass
We can come together, worship at mass
Remember our own as their graves we pass by
As I hope others visit mine when pass on do I
This life passes us in a blink
These COVID days makes us sit and think
There are no atheists in the trenches, it was said
Its true I say as I walk among the dead
Of strangers I visit where I live
I of my time a little give
For unknown strangers say a silent prayer
As others may for mine elsewhere buried there.