The Music Lives On

The music lives on that Aisling played
She lives on in the hearts she touched, the friends she made
The children she taught… a nation dismayed
That thought such couldn’t happen in daylight.
The canal waters still gently flow
Where not too long ago
She was just another jogger who few did know
As should be every womans’ right…
She was not the first, sadly won’t be the last
Under skies sunny and overcast
Who by men of evil intent unknowingly passed
Who we remember today.
Urantsetseg, too, yet another name
Died returning home from the work for which she came
To Ireland to do, a man to blame
Who for money took her life away.
Some chaps get angry saying, “Not all men…!”
Knowing full well that yet again
Another woman will die, and then
They will wonder how and why.
It’s always a certain type of man
– Has been since time itself began –
Who does such things because he can
It’s always women who die.
It’s time we stand as society
To say: “This is not OK with me
Women should have the right to be safe and free
We will make sure this time!”
Justice, like time, drips sure if slow
We pray it works as each day does go
We pray for those who Ashling did know
And all the other victims of such crime…