The Lady of Culray

She was a landlords daughter
Her lover not so grand
It was illegal to be a Catholic
You could not own your land
Little had he to offer
The future for them looked bleak
But he had the love of a good man
Which every girl does seek.
But them, they were horrified
That a girl of noble blood
And a Protestant, would marry a Catholic
The likes happen, never should!
Cold hearted and cruel, it eat them up
A self righteous sense of shame
They decreed never another Doppings girl would bear
By birth Catherine as a name!
In a twist of fate her brother Ralph married
A girl by the name of Catherine Smyth
Who became Catherine Doppings, the name she left behind
To take the name her brothers wife was born with!
Her father had bought Derrycassins lands
From her uncle D’Arcy. by Gowna’s lake
They lived close by but as is not at all
By she who married for loves sake.
The folk live there to this very day
Who are of her kith and kin
Because James Smith loved Catherine Dopping
And Catherine loved him.
Though time has passed to stain remains
It is sad as I write to say
Few if any women who are as Doppings born
Are called Catherine to this day!