The Homeless Are Not Just For Christmas
The homeless are not just for Christmas. We need to sort more hostels and housing and services to prevent it in the first place.
Like Jonathan Corrie the story will die downonce Apollo House is cleared and demolished.
Its up to us to make sure that doesnt happen this time

No stables for these weary folk
Whose homes are on the street
We think of them at Christmas
Who asleep on the pavement we meet.
But in summer sun and autumn chill
When springs rain comes tumbling down
Good Christians all they walk by
With a disapproving frown.
If we are to be good people
As we think ourselves to be
Let us help in more than times of hardship
When we others problems see.
When there is no political gain
When it is a personal cost
Then our help is truly Christian and human
For societies forgotton lost…
We must as a society change
What causes the problem in a land of plenty that we are still
To spite our economic problems
Its our society that is ill
That causes the problems of drink and drugs
That afflict and cause so many to lose all
We must change how its seen as cool to abuse them
For thats how victims to addiction into trouble fall.
Homes and hostels are progress
Only if for all year is our change of heart
The homeless are not just for Christmas
Though a home for Christmas is a damn good start…