The Hair Brained Fight the Hair Braiders

Shop Street in Galway city centre the infamous graffitti mural is on the left
Shop Street in Galway city centre the infamous graffitti mural is on the left

One arm of Galway City Council commissioned a derelict wall to be painted by a professional graffiti artist as the 2020 City of Culture judges were coming, another then demanded it was removed, in a farce that shows how the arts scene in Galway is in the state its in.

But then Billy Cameron waded in, a supposed left winger, who complained that hair braiders took from the busking and business on the street, and everyone might do it. Such a shock, people might start to work!!!

A busking is being stamped out in other cities, though he says he supports them, Im sure they will be next. Us as taxpayers support them all!!!

The powers that be giggled with glee
he 2020 Judges were coming to town
Bt there was a wall that could be seen plain by all
It could not be covered, nor could be torn down.

Among all the insanity a rare moment of clarity
A professional grafitti artist to paint it it was suggested
Approved of as one, the job it was done
As value for money it showed for the rates there invested.

The judges came and went, and all were content
A city of culture they were to be
But then the hair brains short circuited their mains
The graffit had to be removed at once, they did decree!

The owners and the artist were bemused, the order was not refused
The public baffled on reading, not understanding why
Sitting on stools beneath, balls of wool at their feet
Roma girls braided hair for women passing by.

Here was a skill they worked at until
Light faded, ot the rain came tumbling town
Id often walk past, smile at their initiative say at last
They have a business where people cant put them down.

But I spoke to soon, as sure rises the moon
The Clowns we elected to in City Hall meet
Cameron was seeking – who likes to hear himself speaking –
To have the hair braiders taken off the street.

“Sure every one might do it if we allowed it
I counted eight there one day” he related sadly
Proving stereotypes wrong and women workers strong
I think they should be supported, and gladly!

But the powers that be that cannot see
When they their policies pick
So the Guarda agreed work was a terrible deed
So they would give the women a kick.

So they cannot decide and they cannot abide
Graffiti that they once did commission
Then they put back on the dole and break spirit and soul
Of women who labour without council permission.

So this is who rules us, sham shiters that fool us
A election time into giving them our vote
Id love to send them to sea, with the Owl and Pussy Cat to be,
And put a hole in the bottom of the boat!!!

Some folk will not allow without fight to others the right
To discriminate against some street traders
Buskers and card chancers, jugglers, artists and dancers
The The hair brained will be defeated by all these and the hair braiders!

Atricle in the Galway Independent reporting Cllr Billy Connollys remarks on the Roma women hair braiders
Article in the Galway Independent reporting Cllr Billy Camerons remarks on the Roma women hair braiders
Hair brained bigot Billy Cameron spouts bile about Roma hair braiders
Hair brained bigot Billy Cameron spouts bile about Roma hair braiders
My letter to the Galway Independent supporting the hair braiders
My letter to the Galway Independent supporting the hair braiders

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