The Best Room

The parlour in the Donohoe house in Lislea: by mothers father, brother and mother, outside Ballinalee.
The parlour in the Donohoe house in Lislea: by mothers father, brother and mother, outside Ballinalee.

Some Irish hate our past. One who shall not be named has made his latest Quixotic attack: it is on the old Irish concept of the “upper room” or the parlour, reserved for formal functions. A part of our heritage, the dining room has replaced it in use and concept. While whinging about the left and its lack of progress, he shows his contempt for the actual working classes who always lived the best life they could without whinging. He is, as he says himself, the semi-lumpenproletariat. Id remove the “semi” of that myself…

The parlour for the parties:
People of importance sent for tea,
Real friends got the kitchen…
Where they sat among all to see:
A house lived in, loved in, a family

Poor people putting the best foot forward:
Jibed by the nyeuck at the door,
Who still exist unlike the Best Room…
Who exists in most places, no more,
The dining room now exists where the parlour did before.

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