Swans on the Grand Canal at Tullamore
For all that’s wrong in the world, what to worry of we choose
Ebola, and Al-Qaeda, all the nonsense in the news
I decided to forget it all, get away from the doom laden talk
Get back to being at one with nature, by the Canal to take a walk
As darkness fell this winters evening, where I walking on a whim
I saw coming towards me on the water, a pair of swans having a swim
Without a care in the world for anything else going on…
They are natural, are nature, as nature and them are one.
We should be like them I resolved, my resolution for the new year
To forget the worries of the world, how its made to appear
Enjoy the water and what we have, enjoy the cold and heat:
Enjoy life and be life, like the swan on the canal we meet!