Snowflakes Awaiting the Storms

The snowflakes gently flutter
In the chilling wind
There is bad weather yes…
Little sign of a storm I can find…
Some places in snow are knee deep
Workplaces closed, buses wont run
Europeans bemused, this is good winter weather in their country
Children play in the snow, having fun…
But they tell us the storm is coming.
They call us snowflakes for protesting
Against a system for those who lose their homes
Say its sad it happens but it must be
Houseowners are not kings on thrones.
The people chat on facebook
Talk of rebellion , but little do
Bar a few hero’s who achieve lots
Though being but few.
But they tell us the storm is coming.
In time to come, in papers and in history books
It will be recorded, what it cost
The property that was damaged…
The hurt, the lives were lost…
Both the winter storm will come
As will the social rebellion too…
Alone, all are but snowflakes…
But when they unite, its amazing what they can do!

What happened in Balbriggan this week was a disgrace, subjects of one jurisdiction chucked citizens of this jurisdiction from their home on behalf of banks bailed out by the taxpayer including the family evicted.
How do we know the person chucked out by British Army veterans was a taxpayer?
He is an Irish army veteran, thrown to the ground, knocking him out, like dirt. Like a criminal, just as the cold snap came in. It reminded me of the Lord Lorton evictions in Ballinamuck, during the snows. Then people died, things are not as bad today… so far.
As them folk of Saoradh, and activists like Ben Gilroy showed, we wont take this lying down, and they took back the house and gave the home back to the family involved.
We will never let them get as bad.
As I write, I await the worst of the storms of the #BeastoftheEast, now its rather nice. So too politically, we are in the rather nice calm before the storm. History will record the results of both.