Saint Rynagh’s Church Bell
The bell is ringing in the distance
As to all it spells the time
I turn over so I can sleep
And curse its annoying chime.
As it seems to ring forever
As yet another chime I hear
Echoing around in my head
I pull the pillow over my ear…
I count the eleventh ring
There is but one more to endure
But if that bell is faulty…
There may be even more…
For many times when broken down
And when under repair
It would ring and ring when being fixed
To see was there anything more wrong there…
But when it is left broken
On the hour… you miss the chime!
As night becomes morning here you can count…
But now you cant tell the time!
At least when it was working
The time at night you could tell
Even though it was annoying still I miss
The chime of Rynaghs church bell!!!