Reaction and Reflection on Rebellion Re-enactment in Ballinamuck

Was it to be remembered that they took the sword
Under the banner of green, the Oath and the Word,
Against overwhelming odds, for freedom for to stand –
Put aside all differences, to free their native land…
Today, others claim in a spirit of jest,
To re-eneact the battle, fought by them who now rest,
In a mass grave, a pit, common, as one,
They achieved in death what in their life was not won,
We smile at the farce as the re-enactment is played,
As little sincerity to remembrance displayed,
Bar by one, who states horrible things happened, by hate driven –
Horrible as they were, all must be forgiven,
For forgotten were the differences the men of 98 had overcome,
Covenantor, Cromwellian, and croppy, all they were from
Opposite sides in previous conflicts, all died for one common aim
Regardless of previous atrocities, or lands from which they came,
And THAT is the template to over come the legacy of history and sorrow
That will deliver a real peace in the Ireland of tomorrow.