Plain of the Kings of Irelands Past

Some people wonder why I am so into supporting the turf cutters rights. My dad worked Blackwater Bog, where the order came through to work on through and ignore the stone and iron age roads and weapons that were found in a cultural massacre to rival Wood Quay. No fan of ancient history himself, even he knew it was wrong and should not have been done.
Plain of the kings of Ireland’s past
The brown gold harvested to burn
Layer by layer and year by year
Until to the base earth we return…
Butter found on the upper layers
Hiden a few hundred years ago
Ploughed on through, some kept and eaten for fun
No one spoke, few knew, no one would know.
But then the timber roads broke the machines
The foremen came to see what stopped the work complete
The workers looks, all knew what they had found
A pre historic road within the peat!
“Work on!” came from the bosses the order
They had orders to meet, deadlines to make
The archaeologists will stop the work and stop the wages
So history wantonly destryoed for mammons sake.
The bogs near gone, some folk in suits
Who are paid such orders to make and things to do
Decreed to the little folk as only the mighty can
That some folk cannot cut some bogs, its only a few.
There are grants, we will buy some, but for a certain price
Promises made, but some held their ground, some folk refused
There would be no replacement bogs, the money small soon would be spent
To heat their homes now as they had always these bogs would be used!
“Cut on” they give the orders against the agents of the state
Who massacred our history for a temprary gain
Ireland’s Valley of the Kings on Blackwater bog
Where now no history does remain.
The bog that should have been preserved
Was cut due to managements greed
But now private bogs from which no money can be made
Must be preserved “for our collective cultural need”
We are not the little people any more
To landlords agents, gamekeepers or park rangers
Those who destroyed our land will never understand
How to our own land and bogs we will not become visiting strangers!