Not Fit To Fly The Red Flag

Together we fought as Irishmen
Against the classes and the Crown
Anglo, Scot and Gael together
We fought and won, took an Empire down
Traitors to our class and country
Who of their heritage like to brag
Who betray that heritage with every law they pass
Are not fit to fly the Red Flag.
They stand by as banks evict families
Instead of restarting the Land Commission again:
Is it all right to put Irish to the roads
As long as your not Protestant or Englishmen?
Blind to their folly and unapologetic
They pay their taxes they claim
Insult the working working classes
Whe they spill their bile at and aim.
Most of the protesters I stand in ranks with
Most today have a job
Many two or more to make ends meet
Making a lie out of the words from this fools gob.
The folk I meet who DO have no issue with austerity
Think they have the system sussed
Work and sign or don’t work at all as you please
State will provide housing and healthcare, they are nonplussed.
Those of us who do work and pay the taxes
Or who have no work but would work if work was there
Have issue with bank bailouts, evictions and cutbacks
We who pay for our country about it we care.
So smug Seaneens who call us thrash
We are the folk who for freedom faught
You are the “Faithful” who worshipped the Crown
Ranks and titles in its regime won and sought.