Let the People Speak – Irish Water Potential Referendum
Why not also a vote on the property tax issue? I proposed same on Boards.ie some years back to a muted response when it wasnt politically fashionable or popular to resist austerity as part of the Offaly CAHWT http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=77678510

Those who pay for all that’s spent
To keep captains of industry content
Want to speak for all who were sent
Across the seas for a job…
They want to come back to a life back home
As opposed to singing wistful songs of “Ireland across the foam”
Where Dublin is as foreign to their children as Rome…
Tell the EU to shut their gob!
We did not fight the British for our land,
To French and Germans for free to hand
Just because they cant understand
Common people owning their homestead!
We did not fight that battle that distant time
To make asking for water without payment a crime
Without pollution, fee or slime
But pure, and free, instead!
So, from Ballypooreen to Donegal to Moate
Let the people have a say and a vote
Let as the news it then be wrote
The people said a loud NO…
In future times in history classes
Let student read when the Irish masses
Stood up to the upper classes
And to the ballot box did go!