Lesson in History for Bob Geldof
I have a lot of time for Bob Geldolf, but his recent comments comparing the 1916 leaders to jihadis was insulting to the Irish in the extreme, if an Orangeman came out with it he would be done for a hate crime. He seems to have little grasp on history.
The British Empire was built by a friendly card game
Between some spiffing clever chaps who in good faith came
Honest dealing of a game that both sides understood:
Ignore those who claim it was won by murder, famine and blood.
Sure if we asked them nicely, sure they would let us go
Siding with the underdog all all of that sure dont we know
Its hard to disagree with Geldolf and his ilk and their wise words
When in 1920 the British were the first to gas the Kurds.
The Irish to instill British rule were to the fore
Didn’t O’DWyer applaud the Amritsar massacre in the Punjab the year before
So because some quisling Irish the British yoke did accept
The rest of the nation has to lie under the cosh which we are kept?
There is no nice way to fight a war in a state where they close down the press
It took blood spilling to free Ireland, it would take nothing less!

Glossary –
Geldof: Bob Geldolf of a family of Belgian extraction – no real undertanding of what it is to be the oppressed in Ireland
Dwyer – Michael O’ Dwyer was Punjab governor and deemed the massacre “correct”
gassing of the Kurds – the British were the first to gas the Kurds, putting down a rebellion in 1920
closing down the press The British as a matter of routine closed down Irish newspapers critical of the regime to control the peoples thinking.