Lady Fortune Smiles And Frowns on the Jessops of Moydow

The Jessops local church in Moydow
The Jessops local church in Moydow

The Jessops later married into the Bomfords, who themselves were married through the Dopping – Hempestal family. Descendants in both the Church of Ireland community and the local Catholic population and their diasporas exist to this day.

Ill gotten Ill gone, the word of old
Proved true in this story told
Of a humble man with a keen eye
To make capital on the unwitting who come by
Such a butler a soldier did greet
When chance should cause the two to meet
Fate! She has such tricks up her sleeve
Which allow the wily the unwitting to decive!
The soldier discharged, thought himself grand
Boasted to all of his grant of land
The owner which he was to be…
But needed soon his grant to see…

The butler was a friendly chap
Smile to beguile, the trusting to trap
He inted the soldier his lands to view
He would bring him up a hill, show them to him too
Slieve Gauldry they climbed, the butler pointed out
The most miserable fields that there lay about
The soldier disgusted at his claim barren and bare
Swore for five pound and a horse he would sell all then and there
The butler anticpating, in his pocket had cash
Settled the deal as the rain down did splash
You cant be up to an Irishman, and that is how
The family of Jessop ended owning their lands in the village of Moydow…

Those who lost the lands he who fell for the jargon
Would have jeered the tricked who thought he got a bargain
Though they would have no love for he who won
Whose family star had risen like the dawining sun
Mistress Fate in this story let had to make her leave
It was to have an ending that few would believe
Ill gotten – ill gone, its a saying is true
Every trickster has a fault that history will rue
To be told of in verse by incapable bards:
Our heros issue were to lose all on a hand of cards
So they who have all they have nothing, they lose in time
To strive to hold on is lifes only crime.

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