Jobstown Not Guilty – There is still justice in an Irish Court
The victory of the Jobstown protesters against the false imprisonment of Joan Burton gives hope that there still is justice for the little guy in an Irish courtroom.
Paul Murphy and his comrades have been to the forefront of the anti water charges movement, and we wish that they were as vocal in the anti property tax issue and the septic tank charges issue as well.

Still, its a good day to be Irish, and where we agree we will back Murphy and Co to the hilt, and where we disagree we will argue as needs be, and leave it to the people to decide.
The Big “A” – life on the Left after Jobstown and the Water Charges Campaign
The next issue up, trumped as a working class and womens rights issue, is of course the Repeal the 8th referendum.
Where correctly applied, the case such as Savitas would never have happened, and repealing the 8th will not prevent such happening again. However Murphy and Co will tell you it will, as it suits their agenda.
The economic argument for abortion allows corporations to pay shit wages and pressurize women into abortions if they do not want their career interrupted, which is not a pro woman argument at all, and is very anti-working class.
There is a saying that can a woman “have it all”… the career and motherhood. The answer is “hell yes, of course!!!” and the trade union movement is silent on this argument that they should be promoting.
Our constitution is meant to be family friendly, and it should be used to promote family values in that the woman can work, can have family and the corporations should not be allowed to pressurize or discriminate to prevent same. Labour laws should be altered to better accommodate same, as its needed for all families, especially for single mothers.
But abortion is trumped as the catch all solution to prevent such problems. Sure, ya have enough kids. Sure there are too many working class. Sure, why should a baby be born if its unwanted. Sure… sure… sure…
The poorest people to spite what haters will tell you are the Irish Travellers still on the road. They don’t see another child as a problem, or as unwanted. We are too materialistic in our capitalist society, and the pro abortion movement is copperfastening that, not fighting it.
We look at the prospect if this referendum delivers free for all abortion, of Denis O’ Brien’s Beacon Light clinics providing abortions to working class communities where he makes millions from working class women killing their unborn so as to allow them to live on the shite wages they have, or to be able to keep their jobs or advance in same.
Quite possibly when opening these clinics to kill working class unborn, Ruth Coppinger herself could be standing by cutting the cord / ribbon with Mr Denis O’Brien, all thoughts of water meters forgotten. That’s an image to think of when voting in the forthcoming referendum.
Still, today is a good day for Ireland, and where we agree we will back Murphy and Co. to the hilt. In the forthcoming abortion referendum, where we disagree, we will argue the points, and ultimately let the people decide just how civilized we are as a nation, or are we just another materialistic America…