Idiots Rebellion

There are rules of the road
Drive on the left, yield right of way
Whatever we think of the speed limits and laws
These we must obey
For the good of all society
Who use the roads beside us
For the rules are made for the good of all
The world is not just about us.
The rules are preached and are enforced
By a basically corrupt police
One law for us,another for their own:
Yet, us, we do not cease
In rebellion to obey
Say we will drive where we feel
Feck them and their regulations
They are not really real.
Imagine if we did, the carnage
If we drove like long ago
Left and right, across as at will
As we could in horse and cart that were slow…
Yet, society has social regulations
Which was enforced too much by far
By a corrupt clergy and society
That brought us where we are:
To rebel, we abolished the regulations
Called it “Repeal”, celebrated it too…
To smite the church and society:
Few look at what we did do:
Imagine, ten thousand dead, the carnage
We ignore, even though we know
Left and right,across political divide
Humanity of unborn denied like long ago.