Fixed Bayonets Against Our Own

Needless to say I think the Irish army should have gone across the border in 1969, and was angered at Keelin Shanleys presentation of “If Lynch Had Invaded” as the most surrenderist piece of collaborationist propaganda ever shown. There was no problem for the officers to instruct their men to be pointing guns at our own people during those heady days…
We will not stand Idly by, the politicians said
As they did, Irish homes across Ulster burned
The youth, and many of age in anger
To the paramilitaries they turned.
The army who would not cross the border
Afraid of the opposition shown
Had no problem taking bayonets
Pointing them at our own.
Anecdotes of slurry tanks to be emptied on protesters
Of planned summary executions in the camps abound
Why is it that to kill or oppress an Irishman
Another Irishman can be found?
Unknown, or little known, the tale of the common soldiers
Who refused repeatedly the orders to charge Irishmen
Gives hope against hope for the people
Should our land ever be in such dire straits again.