Fear the Little People

The business man from America was in Ireland to see the sights
In Blarney to see and kiss the stone, in Donegal for the Northern Lights
In Dublin he got talking to a politician underneath Christchurch steeple
Was fascinated when he was told to “Fear the little people”
“Have you ever seen them?” asked the yank with wonder in his eyes
“I have!” replied the politician, “Tens of thousands”, to the Americans surprise
“They come out of no where, all of a sudden your surrounded
But the Guards are brilliant to protect us, so our worries be unfounded”
Now to see a leprechaun once in a lifetime the American thought lucky
But the police to protect you from them? You wouldn’t see that in Kentucky!
“Can you bring me to see them? What makes them angry?” he pleaded…
“Its feckin water every time” said the politician… “We are fucked” he conceded
“We are expecting them out at the next march, in their thousands will be the throng
Sure if you’ve nothing else to do, you may as well come along”
Now the businessman was elated, rang home with the tale
He would broadcast the little people on Facebook live without a fail.
Now, the little people will be out in September to march as before
For we have taken enough of austerity malarkey, we wont take any more
What the American will make of thousands of protesters? Id love to be a fly on the wall
For the little people are the citizens to be feared, and not the leprechauns at all!