Eva’s Echo Folds Their Wings

Lapot readthrough, among other works was featured in 2020 by Evas Echo in support of the Samartians. You can donate to Samaritans at the address HERE>>>:

Evas Echo…

A local theatre founded by Rena and Hazel for the love of the script and stage, Eva’s Echo explored all of the boundaries offered for it, and offered a platform for writers at their events and their functions.

The women are now exploring other avenues of the arts, and I wish them well. Indeed Galway will be all the poorer for the loss of this grouping as a body, but will be enriched by whatever new project that the girls undertake

What’s in a name…

We all know the story of the Children of Lir, what I didnt know was the story of the mother of the children of Lir, and its her voice that echo’s through the works offered by this theatre. A novel context, from these women I learned more of the story which is as rich and as complex as all the other legends of our fair land.

Writings featured at Evas Echo events

During lockdown, in leiu of events where folk can attend, they ran a few online events, and in one of those, a readthrough of works or writers, a short play of mine “Lapot” was aired. Efforts to make it reach the actual stage as a production since have come awry, but it may happen yet!

They also featured a sketch “Where Theres a Will” at another night, with the proceeds of these nights going to nominated charities.

Filling a Void.

With the closure of Palas and the winding up of Evas Echo, it is a time of change in Galway. I think that it offers opportunity for people with vision, not for large scale official projects, but for the grassroots ones that are made for the love of it.

A void has been left, but that is an invitation and a challenge for others to fill. Who will take to the stage? Time will tell.


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