Elegy for Fidel Castro
Condemn me. It does not matter. History will absolve me.
~ Fidel Castro Source M.I.A.

If not by man, who so often condemned:
For all his flaws: let he by God absolved be –
For sins committed in life and rule –
As you for yours, and for mine, me.
Hero of the fight from dictators rule
Circumstances made him the same
Sometimes as brutal, more times more or less so:
Those who made it so share the shame.
If we do wrong to do right
Are we right or are we wrong?
Should we leave the wrong well enough be
In doing nothing are we not strong?
Each man makes up his mind and takes arms
Or offered stretched arm in handshake
God absolve him of his sins, history of his wrongs
As he his place in historys pantheon does take.