Death of a Fisherman – Mohsin Fikri R.I.P.
“Whoever kills a person [innocent person]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)

If Asa (Jesus) was in Morrocco today
Would those the same to him say
These Romans of the modern age
Brutes of force who rule with rage
For power, that his fish were bad they accused
Why? To look for bribes? We know not why they abused
This fisherman, who dived in the garbage truck his catch to save
Crushed like thrash, he is now in the grave.
If Israel to a Palestinian done this
To protest the opportunity the world would not miss
Rightfully so – this death is a horrific thing
Will we hear the anger of the King?
* Outrage at Fishermans Death (Morcco World News)