Christmas Dream of the Banagher Garda Sergeant
The Sergeant dreamt yet another Christmas morning
To find in the stocking he had hung
It was another few lumps of coal
Santa in rage into it had flung!
For such a Grinch should get for Christmas
Is was way too goof for him there
What heart has a man in uniform
Who would want to stop Banagher Horse Fair?
“Be jayzyz”, says the Seargent,
Who of scheming does never tire
“If I get coal for Christmas…
Sure wont it light the fire!”
But it didn’t light, oh no…
But the room it filled with smoke…
The sergeant ran as fast as he could
Starting to cough and choke.
You should only put in a fire
The best turf of Clonmoylan Bog
Cut by those who defied those who said they cant
For such turf is clean and creates no smog.
Then the sergeant he awoke and wondered
Of what dreams when sleeping come to your head…
Feeling guilty he said about the 2018 Banagher Fair…
He might go on holiday instead!