Celtic Tiger was Not By Poets Built

You cant build a house with words, you know
– Chris McCormack
Houses are not by words built
They are by developers though
Who broke this country by their greed
Not so very long ago.
Homes are by words build
Stories and poems by firesides told
Build memories and bonds between generations
Bridge in common between young and old.
So, lets build homesteads, not just houses
Be proud of our culture in our bars and our homes
Feck the begrudgers, no, not just that, but fuck them
Lets recite to each other stories and poems!
In the following review by thejournal.ie of a poetry slam event, all the loolahs with their hands on backwards started to prove that they too could type, and started to diss poetry in general. One, Chris McCormack caught my attention, who I told Id quote in response, to which he replied he would “love to have his sarcasm immortalized”. Half his comments support poetry and the other half condemn it, and to be honest Im not sure which side of the fense he is one, so this is aimed more at those who condemn poetry in general than him in particular!