Black Irish

Donald Trump has a massive Irish following, a large element who hate Obama and call him Muslim, and that he cannot be Irish as he looks Kenyan. No one said that about Muhammad Ali when he came to Ennis, so why are the knives out for Obama?
I was at the visit of Obama to Dublin, and while I was not a fan of the pro capitalist speech that he made, I am glad to say that I went to see him in College Green. It is not that he is Kenyan and not Irish, or that he is Irish and not Kenyan, he is both, also has Flemish heritage through ancestors in Limerick from before they were in Moneygall…
But some do not agree… even a fellow Tullamroe Rhymer Cormac Lally has the alternative view on it…
Who were they, some ask, the Black Irish?
Did they ever exist?
Are they just a passing feature of history
Lost in the ancient mist?
Do they walk among us?
Does their blood in our veins flow?
These ancient people we have forgotten
From a long long time ago?
What about those who DO live among us
I address this to the reader, the task
That some say are not Irish being black
Is this right, I ask?
Some don’t like the fuss about Obama
That hes Irish some flat our deny
The connections too far back and hes Kenyan born
And is black – and they’re not racist, they explain as why.
Some will listen to their Bob Marley
As they smoke their spliffs in their beds
Some like to wear their hair in the non Irish
But extremely cool hippie dreds
And they are cool and their Irish
But dont dare approach them with the racist attack
Sure Obama is as African as Obama
All cause the poor fecker is black!
No one doubts Paul McGrath is Irish
Deep to the core deep within
Hes as white as the moon in the darkest of night
Though black is the colour of his skin.
So if Obama learned to play soccer
Wore proud the jersey of the green
No one would doubt and all would forget about
All bar his mother the Irish colleen!
When Muhammad Ali came to Ennis
To call him Irish was allowed
No one said becuase he was black
To be called Irish was not allowed.
But sure he can fight like a Clareman
Up the wrong way no one would rub
You could imagine him knocking out some eejit
When hed cross him over a girl in a pub!
No one doubts Phil Lynott was Irish
Great lad for the tunes and the craic
And sure he died of the heroin
Which proves him as Irish though black.
So if Barack takes up the fiddle
And learns to knock out Spancil Hill
The demons might leave him be for a while
When of venting their bile they have had their fill!
Why cant we see beyond racist politics
That we can be racist too cant we see
Its not just the French and the British
Among the owrst us Irish can be.
We were slaves and we were slavers
Lets call all Irish no matter the colour of skin
Like Luther King said let us look to the man
Is he a good or bad Irish character within!
Black Irish:
(1) A people of Monserrat and the Carribean, descendants of Irish and blacks. Also called Redlegs
(2) A semi mythical swarthy faced people said to live in Ireland centuries ago
(3) The “new Irish” – recent imigrants since the 1960’s.