Anger of the Water Carriers

“I grew up when we had to carry water. We know the value of water”
~ Longford Fine Gael activist
Before school the walk began
Through the fields down to the well
Water carried to the house for the day
Repeated when they got home from school as well
“Whenever we have water about the house
We will have everything” the saying went
The water came in its own good time
The people delighted were content.

In time the government said
Water supply had to be paid
Resisted by the already overtaxed
A compromise of sorts was made
Two per cent onto VAT
5 onto car tax and registration
The issue settled for a while
Prosperity came to the nation.
Prosperity passed as it always does
Bar the well of money in the banks went dry
Bailed out by taxpayers due to government decree
None of whom stopped to ask how or why
The money for the water was taken
To pay back the bail out for the banks
The Germans kept grabbing and took it all
Demanded it all, never said thanks.
The people took to the street again
In tens of thousands they protested
Sat down on the road in the face of police
Got baton charged, harassed, and arrested.
The people complained about the protesters
Who wanted to pay for nothing at all
Who did not know the value of water
According to the Water Carrier Know it All…
Well, those from these city streets
Those allies from their country farms
They and their forefathers too
Carried the buckets of water with tired arms.
They worked, the paid, will not pay again
No matter how party loyalists cry
Who put party above country in a treason of our times
Who the truth blindly deny…