All Is Fair in the War of an Election
Background – James Bannon of Fine Gael in Longford got questioned today by Garda (police) about removing voting leaflets belonging to Sinn Fein on voters doorsteps when canvassing in Ballymahon. Eagle eyed bystanders also spotted he took LABOUR ones too… doesnt even want his own coalition partners getting votes!!!

But sure Bannon wasnt stealing
There no profit to be made in litter
Even in his wheeling and dealing!
But when the truth is hurting
And your lies cant be proved
Your seat on the gravy train is in danger
The truth must be removed.
Now, Im not saying the Shinners have the truth
Though they may have more than we realise
I think Fine Gael are scared and running
As the public see through their lies.
So, bring on the vote on polling day
We vote for our childrens sakes
We will cast out the chancers and the nyeucks
Like St. Patrick did with the snakes!