2013 – What a year for Tullamore Rhymers Club
Its been quite a year for the Tullamore Rhymers Club, with December fitting in a couple of unplanned events as the members once again hit the ground running and partake in the cultural life of Offaly and beyond.
January saw myself visiting Morrocco, and visiting the writer El Habib Louie in the city of Taraudant, on the suggestion of Michael Rothenberg. The visit to Morrocco itself formed the basis of a few poems, some of which were included in the chapbooks we published this year called “Under the Fading Lamp”

The chapbook had its second and third edition published in 2013, with launches in Tullamore Library and Hugh Lynches pub, at the latter our newest member Lorraine Dunican had her first public reading.
Richard Brennans successful pop up gallery in Tullamore Library brought interest to the wider cultural scene, as intended scratching the surface of the arts and interest in the arts in North Offaly and beyond.
Opening up for “Bottler” himself in the Bridge House was new ground for the group of poets, and the audience there to see Brendan Grace liked the novelty of a poetry reading before a comedy performance… I alas was working so didn’t get to read “The Saving of Mankind” as planned. Maybe that was a good thing!!!
One gig I was at was Castlepalooza, where the Rhymers read to a good reception, even if I did a long winded reading of “The Exodus”!!! Festival of the Fires at Uisneach was a good gig, after which we enjoyed those other masters of the spoken word… Limericks own Rubberbandits!!!
This is but a small taster of the activities of the group, which saw member Cormac Lally publish his own book, and mine is still in the formative stage… but will see the light of day in 2014… all going to plan, if writing more poetry does not get in the way!