Jumping the Broom

US couple jumping the broom
Image from Freedom to Marry.org – Click the link to read this couples story – (Im sure they wont mind!)
It will be good to actually vote YES to a government proposal next year! Being pro Marraige Equality does not make me less Catholic or less pro family...
It will be good to actually vote YES to a government proposal next year! Being pro Marraige Equality does not make me less Catholic or less pro family…

Men of cloth forbidden to love
Have of love between others much to say
Only a girl and a boy, they think, should enjoy
Love, and marriage is what they say.

They frown upon unmarried mothers
And couples, unmarried, who live in sin
Sinful in their eyes, their love they despise
Know nothing of the couples hearts within.

Silent about the little children that suffered
Innocent little girls and boys
When men of the cloth used them having no worth
Abused them as if they were but sexual toys.

How can it be a sin to love each other
Though church marriage you have not gone through?
Is a family not a family whether married or not?
Clergyman: why is it condemned by you?

How is gay marriage a threat to the family?
They wouldn’t marry anyway
And those who did, and their sexuality hid
Had unhappy marriages, one of them being gay.

For only gay folk will have gay marriage
Though being a straight red blooded man all my life
I think it would be fun if a tradition was begun
That as well as a husband each woman had in their bed a wife!

Yes Equality - Register to Vote!
Straight People for Gay Marraige

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