Engaging with Art in Longford Providers
The latest space to open to the public is the Engage exhibition of the works of Thomas Brezing.

Id never heard of him before, and in the cantre of the room the large scuplture of plastics captured the eye, with the bird in details showing how pollution kills nature.
The rest was modern art, well meaning, well made, but went over my head to a great degree, the “carpetman” feature especially so, that is until I read the concept behind it.
In a time of hardship, on losing his home and sleeping in the exhibtion space, he had to roll himself in carpet and so became literally the carpet man, a feature all too common in these modern times. He came out of it, luckily, too many do not.
So, with modern art, the part that we missed the most can be the most relevent.
This is his website: http://thomasbrezing.weebly.com/